glucuronic acid

  • 葡萄糖醛酸
glucuronic acidglucuronic acid
  1. Paper chromatography shows that there are fucose , aminogalactose and glucuronic acid in sea cucumber polysaccharide .


  2. Malaysia propolis polysaccharide hydrolyzate is composed of rhamnose , galactose , arabinose and glucuronic acid by paper chromatography .


  3. Determination of content glucuronic acid and neutral sugar of acidic polysaccharide


  4. Determination of the contents and related substances in Sodium glucuronic acid injection by HPLC


  5. Glucuronic acid is one important biochemical substance with wide applications in pharmaceutical and health care products .


  6. Determination of Galacturonic Acid and Glucuronic Acid in the Hydrolyzed Polysaccharide Solution by Ion Chromatography


  7. CONCLUSION This method is simple , quick , accurate and effective to test related substances and content in sodium glucuronic acid injection for quality control .


  8. The Treatment of Kaschin Bek 's Disease by Glucuronic Acid


  9. Conjugation Reaction of UGTs and N - glucuronic Acid


  10. Metabolic reactions involved are oxidation , reduction , demethylation , sulfate conjugation and glucuronic acid conjugation .


  11. It can hydrolysis glucuronide glycoside bond , releasing the glucuronic acid and ligand .


  12. Gluconic acid can be reused through glucuronic acid cycles or phosphopentose pathway .


  13. Hyaluronic acid is a high molecular weight homopolysaccharide composed of repeating units of glucuronic acid and N acetyl glucosamine .


  14. There 's fucose , aminogalactose , and glucuronic acid in SJP , according to the result of paper chromatography .


  15. EPS-Ia contains glucuronic acid , sulphate and protein , which are 27.4 % , 0.92 % and 2.23 % respectively .


  16. Among those ways , bio-fermentation and hydrolysis processes are more complex , low yield and high cost . Chemical oxidation is widely used in the preparation of glucuronic acid and its lactone .


  17. The TP and TP-1 were composed of mannose , glucuronic acid and xylose , also smal amount of fucose and glucose ;


  18. Hyaluronic acid ( HA ) is a linear glycosaminoglycan composed of alternating disaccharide unit containing N-acetylglucosamine and glucuronic acid , found in extracellular matrix of most animals .


  19. The proportion of mannose 、 glucose and rhamnose is 1:1.35: 2.11 . The content of saccharide and glucuronic acid is 87.3 % 、 12.44 % respectively .


  20. The total sugar content of SCP was 51.6 % and it was mainly composed of galacturonic acid , mannose , glucuronic acid in the ratio of 46.3 : 18.5 : 10.3 .


  21. Both pumpkin polysaccharides were analyzed by paper chromatography , PP-I composed mainly of galactose , glucose , rhamnose , arabinose , and PP-II composed mainly of galactose , glucose , xylose and glucuronic acid .


  22. Another was the acidic proteinpolysaccharide and the content of it was 1 % , and the contents of total sugar , protein and glucuronic acid were 97 % , 3 % and 9 % respctive ly .


  23. Heparin ( Hep ) is a mucopolysaccharide consisting of glucosamine with different degree of sulfation and glucuronic acid / iduronic di-saccharide units . Hep is the most important anticoagulant and antithrombotic drugs in clinical .


  24. The assay of sulfuric acid-carbazole was used to determine the contents of the glucuronic acid , the method of sedimentation by barium chloride for the contents of sulfate radical and the assay of sulfuric acid-cysteine for the fucose .


  25. It was identified by TLC and GC that both heteroglycans contain the same main residues of glucose , galactose , arabinose , rhamnose , lyxose , xylose , glucuronic acid and galacturonic acid .


  26. The relative number of chondrocytes was measured by methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium method , DNA content of chondrocytes by diphenylamine development process and the glucuronic acid ( GlucA ) content in the matrix by carbazole sulfate so as to reflect the content of proteoglycan .


  27. Analysis of the composition and the content of the extracted hemicelluloses by ion chromatography displayed that the highest content of the hemicelluloses was glucose , also contained a large amount of arabinose , xylan , galactose , rhamnose and small amounts of mannose and glucuronic acid .


  28. The main structure of polysaccharide in each fraction is arabinose xylan , which accounts for more than 90 % of the neutral sugars and is linked with glucuronic acid as side chain . In contrary , the content of mannose and galactose is very low . 5 .
